Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. 

Warrior Poets

are those who train and fight for a higher purpose.  They are members of a rare fraternity who fight with intellect, conviction , and great skill.  Motivated by a love for others, Warrior Poets become students of the art of war, so they may triumph when the enemy calls. 

If I had Eagle’s Wings

I trust the day will come
When the sun always shine’s
The door never shuts
And my wandering finds
A place of peace and comfort
On this road so long
And I can finally relax
In a home where I belong.

When I climb a mountain
Up on top I dream
Of this place I desire
Beneath the sunlit beam
Then I watch the Eagle fly
The breeze on wings so long
I grow so hungry inside
For a home where I belong

If I had Eagle’s wings
Could I fly to days to come
Where the warmth of the sunshine
Is the love that takes me home
To that loving place
Where my spirit sings the song
I have truly found a home
Where I belong

I watch the Eagle fly
Above these fields of soil
To its nest on the mountain sideFar above the toil
Of living in this land, where I feel so alone
Till I fly like an Eagle
To my eternal home

If I had Eagle’s wings
Could I fly to days to come
Where the warmth of the sunshine, is the love that brings me home
To that loving place, where my spirit sings the song
I have truly found a home, where I belong
Stephen Whitcomb

Warrior Poets

are those who train and fight for a higher purpose. They are members of a rare fraternity who fight with intellect, conviction , and great skill. Motivated by a love for others, Warrior Poets become students of the art of war, so they may triumph when the enemy calls

Eternal Ocean Blue

Walking down the pier of life Toward eternal ocean blue

Ships moored on either side From top mast their view Lies deployments destination Their final harbors peace Where berthed at last

In heavens port, All life’s labors cease

Board my ship

To sail the blue

Across time’s ocean vast

Till breaking the horizon Paradise seen at last

When the crew rejoices singing And the Captain leads their song

As they enter the port Where their hearts belong

Finally in heavens port Eternal paradise

The Captain’s crew marches Showered with wedding rice

To their eternal coronation

When the Captain to His King “Says “These are all You gave Me And You’re their everything

Light and Warmth to All

The morning’s sunrise

brought light and warmth to all.

The Eagle from His nest;

launched to follow His call:

His purpose was to be

the guarantor of love

joy and peace for all;

whose hearts are set above.

High in the mountain range

that silhouettes the sky;

the Eagle’s nest of grace

is His motive to fly:

to all across the land;

and care for  His own;

whose heart’s are set on high

’til they are safe at home.

To fly at His side:

in the Eagle’s quest;

is my confidence

that evermore I’m blessed;

by the faith of Him

who gave His life for me;

then rose for evermore

in Heaven’s victory.

The everlasting hope;

of days forever free

of dangers in this life;

gives me time for tea;

with  all who now relax

in safety at the side;

of the Eagle whose shade

is where their souls abide.

To fly at His side;

in the Eagle’s quest:

I grow in confidence

that evermore I’m blessed;

by the faith of Him

who gave His life for me;

then rose forevermore

in Heaven’s victory.

Alive Now and Free

Secure in His death

alive now and free

I travel the road

of Calvary

beholding my Lord;s

lone sacrifice

He placed me where

sins knot was untied


Laid in a rich man’s 

tomb He fulfilled

God’s plan to unite

lost souls to His will

He left the shroud

of this worlds chrysalis

in the empty tomb:

death’s antithesis


The reason why

He came was to win

wandering hearts:

by bringing them in

His pledge guaranteed

through baptisms Dove

His own victory

won by His blood.


No copy or reprint allowed without

exclusive permission of

Brushed from the Pallets

The work of the Artist

In the gallery of life

Brushed from the pallets

Masterpiece the eyes

Delight to behold

Beyond expectations

Of what it seemed

Since it’s conception

Amidst the bouquet’s

In a flower shop

The Owner’s song

Serenaded across

The scale of the Artist

In the key of G

As munificent grace

Set his own free

They served their Creator

By labors writ on

The tablet of flesh

In a heart of love

That flew on wings

Of the Eagle evermore

Who the Owned the shop

Of the Open Door

The Eagle Felt the Breezes

The Eagle felt the breezes

call  Him to arise.

mighty wings carried Him

beneath all seeing eyes.

The Father of His heart

led Him unto those;

who rest in the shade

of He who for them rose.


He rose in victory;

after defeating death;

the hater of His own 

was crushed whence as He was led;

to the tomb three days;

’til He walked out alive:

His resurrected heart

became our new life.


He led in His wake

all who sprouted wings,

in their hearts to rise;

high on heavens breeze:

ever lifted above

in Paternal relation

with their loving Father’s

familial salvation.


The path to the place

of holiness bequeathed

followed the Eagle’s

flight of victory;

the way of suffering

for being born again:

was life received  from God;

set apart to Him.


Heaven everlasting

was promised unto those;

who set their sights on high

where love ever grows;

He led all He loved

in the everlasting peace;

of God’s Kingdom restored

to soar eternally.

Open for the Sun

A place deep in me

is wide open for;

 the sun to walk 

through my hearts door;

with light beams filling

the darkness within;

the place I hold dear;

’till God’s grace comes in;

with His gift that touches

my innermost being

and a joy that free’s

my spirit to sing;

songs of delight;

that rise evermore

with prayers to God 

Who loves me to the core.

Copyright 2020 No copy or reprint allowed without exclusive permission of Eli Boone

The Heart Of Freedom

The heart of was born

At the Dawn of Resurrection

To link our souls with

The One Who Fills the heavens

From whence rays of liberation

Sent beams of passion down

To set the Prisoner free

From bondage to his mind


The Spirit’s heart of freedom

Rode upon a song

Of the singer whose Dove’s eyes

Transformed in peace

All who thirst For freedom

To worship and become

Free, the way their hearts

Tell them they were born to be


And the heart of freedom rode

Waves of the eternal now

From whence freedoms only hope

Was purchased by the blood

Of He Who paid the price

To ransom captive souls

from the bondage of corruption

In hearts shackled to the past


The heart upon the ‘winds of time

Blew with breezes from forever

Filling to the crest

Sails hoisted to receive

The freedom of the truth’s

Power to set free

All who terrorize

Those who overcome through Love


The hearts flight to freedom

Ended at the ocean shore

Where the Eagle built her nest

Between mighty waters

Whence the Spirit’s fight to free

Captives in the jaws of hate

Is fought and won by blood

As was shed Calvary

The Heart of freedom Stephen Whitcomb 07-07-06

Stephen’s poems

Stephen’s poems reflect the soft Light

Of a gental soul in his writing you will

Find a calm word for turbulent times,

the comfort of a loving God and the

Reassurance of a life to come. Stephen

taps into the source of inner Strenght

and proclaims the love of his Savior


Deral Schrom

senior Pastor

South Suburban Christian Church


Stephen served in the US

Navy after the Viet Nam

War. He returned Home

and experienced life.He

Has been from the Lowest valleys

to the tops of many of

Colorade‘s  5 highest Peak

And Everywhere  between.

This body  of work  reflects

His  heart Preception From

the infinite between.

The Righteous Promotion

The righteous path awaits
my feet to step onto
the way that carries me
to the land all new.
Everything forever
will know decay no more:
I followed my Shepherd
straight through Heaven’s door.

The Righteous One kissed
my heart to carry on.
His regeneration
assured me He has won
the war of the ages
to credit to His saints
the identity of
a soul that still remains:

When I seek the Lord
in prayer to receive
His Spirit whispers in
my ears I have believed;
by faith He’s the Captain
of my ship on life’s  ocean
to sail in righteousness
to heavens great promotion

Copyright 2022

In Flight to Evermore

As He wings His way

in flight to evermore;

riding in His wake

are souls He has touched;

with inspiration’s gift

of healing in His wings;

as God’s Eagle of glory

reveals the heart of grace.


Soaring on the heights

of everlasting love;

God’s Eagle dignifies

lives His touch has healed.

Words of love flow

from hearts renewed to sing

His praises from all

lives healed by His grace.


In the Eagle’s wake;

captives now set free

rejoice as they follow

God’s gift to heaven’s land.

The day they arrive

to their eternal rest;

will renew the wings

God sent them in His grace.


Their everlasting state

is wholeness evermore;

to dance and rejoice;

singing praises to Him;

whose love was dignified

by His Eagle who led

their hearts out of this world;

on the wings of God’s grace.

Copyright 2020 No copy or reprint allowed without exclusive permission of stephencharleswhitcomb

The Vision Seen

My favorite call to prayer

Is the vision seen;

Of the Eagle in flight

High up in the sky.

A teardrop rises

From my heart that’s touched

By the sight of the Eagle

That brings me to my knees.


Triumphantly my heart, submits to the One

Who gave me eyes to see: the Eagle  above;

Communicating grace, to all who long to be

As free as the Eagle, who moves their heart’s in prayer.


The Eagle in His nest

Lives to please the One,

Who sacrificed His life

To rescue me from sin.

His promise of new life

Became the promise land;

Where I would fly above

In submission to God.


As my prayers of faith rise, to the throne of grace;

The blessings of heaven, bring tears up in my eyes.

The promise land within, was won on my knees:

The Eagle in vision, was strength to carry on.


Triumphant in battle

With principalities,

The powers retreated

At the vision I beheld;

When I saw the Eagle

That moved my heart to pray

As victory in Christ

Revealed my promised land.

Copyright 2020 No copy or reprint allowed without exclusive permission of Stephen Whitcomb

Wing's Spread Across

Eagle’s wings;

spread across;

hearts domain; 

bear the cross;

passions flow;

reaching out;


without doubt: 

Be the man;

God designed

in the womb; 

before time;

soar upon;

breezes of


from above;

talons grow;

grace romanced;

Eagle’s flight;

unto whence;

work is done;

on the Rock;

 built upon; 

more than talk;

solid hope;

open to;

 heaven’s art

see the view;


 in the shade;

feathered by;

words He said;

safe at home; 

as He led

all who cling;

good as wed; 

praise band’s sing;

lovers know;


love shadow.

Copyright 2021 No copy or reprint allowed without exclusive permission of  Stephen  Whitcomb 

With My Family

He loves the orphan

Whose under the cloud

He says ‘Come unto Me

Away from the crowd.

‘I’ll make you one 

With My Family,

Chosen by love

When on the tree

I purchased you by

Shedding My blood;;

I gave you a new heart

Connected above,

With all My redeemed

Whose souls are set free,

To live evermore

In My family;

‘Above this old lost

World where pride

Envy and lust

Push Me aside;

When I say unto them

I’m the only way 

For you to live

Connected all day

With true human joy,

As I first planned,

Where all of love’s orphans

Now understand

They are one with

My Father above

Who made them one in

His family of love.

Copyright 2023 No copy or reprint allowed without exclusive permission of Stephen Whitcomb

Conquered By Grace

The gentlemans hobby

the days sanity

no compromise

your loved enemy

defeated by force

conquered by grace

thorns of the rose

scars on the face


Know and proclaim

word’s from above

delighting in study

a rose from the bud

intimate union

the Spirit of peace

bond’s between men

never to cease


Live for the One

die to yourself

courageous to speak

save them from hell


God’s Grace before

creation occurred

true life restored



The Almighty rules

His own new creation

crowned with jewels

robes of righteous

souls gathered to hear

teaching to all

with ears blessed to hear

Copyright 2023 No copy or reprint allowed without exclusive  permission of  Stephen C. Whitcomb

In Comfort I Dwell

In God’s salvation

I found my true home.

In comfort I dwell

as my Fathers own;

A son who can look up

to his Father and feel;

His presence is where

my heart has the seal;

of love everlasting

in His family;

where God’s tender mercy

is as broad as the sea!

Life Sprouted Wings

When the stone rolled away

New life sprouted wings;

sailing through the heavens

love led captivity

into true freedom;

ascended evermore

Where the Angels sing.


The Angel’s descent

rolled the stone away.

Life conquer

 love came to stay

 celebrating freedoms

flight on Eagle’s wings

Ascending unto where

God’s holy Angels sing.


Mary gazed into

the tomb of the Lord;

Angels on His bed

said He is evermore;

Alive in God’s kingdom

shaded by Eagle’s wings

as the trumpet sounded;

where the Angels sing.


After Christ’s ascent

to His kingdom above

our risen Lord and Savior

walked through the door of love.

He entered the land

where all on Eagles wings 

will celebrate in peace

Where the Angels sing.



word’s of hope


spring wound up;

till set free; 

loving sound; 

two for tea; 

all around;

word’s of love

gates unlocked; 

freedom’s Dove

heart escaped; 

soul unschlocked

cup is filled; 

by the Rock;

flowing in

heart’s made free; 

heavens road; 

eyes to see

Kingdom is

promises kept;


to accept;

Love’s path is;

Spirit led.

Life Sprouted Wings

When the stone rolled away

New life sprouted wings;

sailing through the heavens

love led captivity

into true freedom;

ascended evermore

Where the Angels sing.


The Angel’s descent

rolled the stone away.

Life conquer

 love came to stay

 celebrating freedoms

flight on Eagle’s wings

Ascending unto where

God’s holy Angels sing.


Mary gazed into

the tomb of the Lord;

Angels on His bed

said He is evermore;

Alive in God’s kingdom

shaded by Eagle’s wings

as the trumpet sounded;

where the Angels sing.


After Christ’s ascent

to His kingdom above

our risen Lord and Savior

walked through the door of love.

He entered the land

where all on Eagles wings 

will celebrate in peace

Where the Angels sing.

Copyright 2020 No copy or reprint allowed  without exclusive permission of Stephen Whitcomb


If I had Eagle’s Wings

I trust the day will come When the sun always shine’s The door never shuts And my wandering finds A place of peace and comfort On this road so long And I can finally relax In a home where I belong.

When I climb a mountain
Up on top I dream
Of this place I desire
Beneath the sunlit beam
Then I watch the Eagle fly
The breeze on wings so long
I grow so hungry inside
For a home where I belong

If I had Eagle’s wings
Could I fly to days to come
Where the warmth of the sunshine
Is the love that takes me home
To that loving place
Where my spirit sings the song
I have truly found a home
Where I belong

I watch the Eagle fly
Above these fields of soil
To its nest on the mountain sideFar above the toil
Of living in this land, where I feel so alone
Till I fly like an Eagle
To my eternal home

If I had Eagle’s wings
Could I fly to days to come
Where the warmth of the sunshine, is the love that brings me home
To that loving place, where my spirit sings the song
I have truly found a home, where I belong
Stephen Whitcomb

When I climb a mountain Up on top I dream Of this place I desire Beneath the sunlit beam Then I watch the Eagle fly The breeze on wings so long I grow so hungry inside For a home where I belong

If I had Eagle’s wings Could I fly to days to come Where the warmth of the sunshine Is the love that takes me home To that loving place Where my spirit sings the song I have truly found a home Where I belong

I watch the Eagle fly Above these fields of soil To its nest on the mountain sideFar above the toil Of living in this land, where I feel so alone Till I fly like an Eagle To my eternal home

If I had Eagle’s wings Could I fly to days to come Where the warmth of the sunshine, is the love that brings me home To that loving place, where my spirit sings the song I have truly found a home, where I belong Copyright 2002 No copy or reprint allowed without exclusive permission of Stephen Whitcomb

Pastor Deral is retired: Senior Pastor Retired

When I

I awoke when I

found myself in You.

Roses were as red 

as blood flowing through;

Your veins flowing

with everlasting love:

infusing me with life

from heaven’s God above.


Kneeling down to pray

on the knees of my heart;

Your Spirit’s comfort

hints that You’re not far;

away when I’m alone,

as You lift me up;

reminding that You

drank my bitter cup. 


Your living sacrifice

lifted on a breeze;

my repent heart’s

new found liberty.

My newly opened eyes

saw the stone rolled away:

The breeze of Your promise

carried me away.


Everlasting life

was given as a gift.

My faith become sight

flew to the land that is

ever in the view

of God’s all seeing eyes:

You paid my ticket by

your living sacrifice.


Christ said He’s the Door

where all may enter in:

once beyond the threshold

I’ll never see again,

the sins my Savior tossed

behind His back so I

could partake of His life;

where the Eagle’s fly.

Claire is Free

So sadly in the joys of youth

Something horrible, unexpected

Tears a community into

Shattered hearts thrown down

On the floor to be trampled

By the consequential pains

Of all who lost their

Hearts delight in living

As heavens Angels carry

Their loved one to her home

Where she’ll wait, filled with joy

‘Cause now she truly knows

Life’s joys cannot compare

With the everlasting peace

Of God’s eternal heaven

Where she awaits her loves arrivals



December 15, 2013 

There was a school shooting at Arapahoe High School, Littleton, Co.

The victim, Claire Davis, went to her reward December 21 2013.

I wrote this in her honor.


Are those who train and fight for a higher purpose. They are members of a rare fraternity who fight with intellect, conviction , and great skill. Motivated by a love for others, Warrior Poets become students of the art of war, so they may triumph when the enemy calls